Ewindy J., Suganda B.R., Asdak C. & Sapari M., 2021: Palu earthquake hazard risk assessment (EHRA) based on urban land use planning. Acta Geologica Slovaca, 13, 1, 79–84.

Palu earthquake hazard risk assessment (EHRA) based on urban land use planning

Jossi Ewindy, Bombom Rachmat Suganda, Chay Asdak & Mohamad Sapari

Department of Environmental Studies, Graduate School, University of Padjadjaran, Jl. Dipati Ukur No 35 Bandung City, West Java, Indonesia, 40132; jossi18001@mail.unpad.ac.id


Assessment of hazard and disaster risk is critical for urban resilience. Given that earthquake hazard assessments will often have limitations and uncertainty, it is essential to understand the worst-case scenario of hazard possibility. Palu City is located in a disaster-prone area because it is traversed by the Palu-Koro fault, an active fault in Indonesia. In preparing the latest risk assessment for earthquakes as consideration for potential land use planning in Palu, an earthquake hazard risk assessment was carried out, including estimating earthquake hazard, vulnerability, risk, and the integration of disaster risk into land-use planning documents. This study employed the applied methods with quantitative and quantitative approaches, and the data were processed with ArcGIS tools; field observations supported primary and secondary data. The results showed that 70% of the Palu area is under high earthquake threat as located in an active tectonic area. The findings of the earthquake hazard and risk assessments were then integrated into a land-use planning document that can be used as a foundation for creating a community development plan document for the Palu City Government, known as the Palu City Spatial Plan. The spatial plan of Palu City will support the resilience of Palu in carrying out its functions as a city to eliminate impacts and risks of hazards occur. Thus, strict land-use implementation as means for disaster mitigation is urgently needed.

Key words: hazard, vulnerability, disaster risk, spatial planning, land use, Palu

Manuscript received: 2021-02-01

Revised version accepted: 2021-05-04

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