Krčmář D., Hodasová K., Ondrejková I. & Fľaková R., 2024: Impact of clogging layer disruption on riverbed sediment permeability: An experimental study on the Torysa River, eastern Slovakia. Acta Geologica Slovaca, 16, 1, 45–52.
Impact of clogging layer disruption on riverbed sediment permeability: An experimental study on the Torysa River, eastern Slovakia
David Krčmář, Kamila Hodasová, Ivana Ondrejková & Renáta Fľaková
Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Engineering Geology, Hy-drogeology and Applied Geophysics, Ilkovičova 6, 842 15, Bratislava, Slovakia;
In areas heavily influenced by water extraction, the interaction between river water and groundwater is crucial for maintaining hydrological balance. This study examines the effects of mechanically disrupting the clogging layer in the Torysa River's riverbed on water infiltration into an adjacent aquifer. Using a tractor-mounted plough to break up the clogging layer, an unconventional method in this field, we ob-served the changes in water levels to determine alterations in hydraulic connectivity. The intervention led to a notable rise in groundwater levels, with an increase of over one meter in six days, suggesting enhanced river-aquifer interaction. A 2D hydrological model quantified the changes in the riverbed's hydraulic con-ductivity before and after the intervention. Although the results confirm the variable nature of riverbed sediment permeability and its importance in water management, the practicality of employing tractors for such purposes is limited. The study advocates for future research to investigate less conventional methods to sustain or improve the natural functionality of riverbeds, contributing to the development of sustainable water extraction practices and a deeper understanding of the interplay between human activity and hydro-logical systems.
Key words: riverbed sediment clogging, induced river-aquifer flow, groundwater level response, sustaina-ble water management, hydrological modelling
Manuscript received: 2024-04-28
Revised version accepted: 2024-06-21

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