Magulová B., 2009: Using GIS for creation of geohazards map as a base for landuse planning. Acta Geologica Slovaca, 1, 1, 25–32. (in Slovak with English summary)

Použitie GIS pre tvorbu máp geohazardov ako podkladov pre urbanizačné plánovanie

Using GIS for creation of geohazards map as a base for landuse planning

Barbora Magulová

Katedra inžinierskej geológie, Prírodovedecká fakulta, Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Mlynská dolina G, 842 15 Bratislava;


Geohazards represent a significant barrier for further utilization of environment. This article presents the use of statistical methods and analysis tools implemented in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) environment for geohazards assessment of small urbanization units. As a case study the Levoča region was selected, covering an area of 83.75 km2 in total. The area is mostly affected by landsliding and flooding. The distribution of these geohazards is evaluated. The case study provides the prognosis of hazard spatial distribution, however not the time recurrence of their activation. The results of evaluation are prognostic maps of landslide hazard and flood hazard.

Key words: geohazards, landslide hazard, flood hazard, prognostic maps, Geographical Information Systems, Levoča case study

Manuscript received: 2009-06-12

Revised version accepted: 2009-07-29

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    AGEOS 2024, Vol. 16, Issue 1
