Pašiaková M., Gajdoš V., Bučová J., Brixová B. & Mojzeš A., 2013: Geophysical image of sedimentary infill structure of the Danube Basin along the profile between Dunajská Streda – Veľký Meder: reinterpretation of geoelectrical data of vertical electrical sounding. Acta Geologica Slovaca, 5, 1, 45–54. (in Slovak with English summary)
Geofyzikálny obraz stavby sedimentárnej výplne Dunajskej panvy pozdĺž profilu medzi Dunajskou Stredou a Veľkým Mederom: reinterpretácia geoelektrických údajov vertikálneho elektrického sondovania
Geophysical image of sedimentary infill structure of the Danube Basin along the profile between Dunajská Streda – Veľký Meder: reinterpretation of geoelectrical data of vertical electrical sounding
Mariana Pašiaková1, Vojtech Gajdoš1, Jana Bučová2, Bibiana Brixová1 & Miroslav Bielik1
1Katedra aplikovanej a environmentálnej geofyziky, Prírodovedecká fakulta, Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Mlynská dolina G, 842 15 Bratislava, Slovensko;,
2Geofyzikálny ústav, Slovenská akadémia vied, Dúbravská cesta 9, 841 04 Bratislava, Slovensko;
The central part of the Danube Basin, filled in the near-surface parts with the water-bearing strata, the Danube gravel and sand, is one of the most important water-bearing complexes in the Central Europe. Geophysical information originating mainly from geoelectrical measurements is used for better understanding of the structure and development of the sedimentation environment of the central part of this basin. The aim of this study was to compile a detailed geoelectrical vertical cross-section A–A' through the gravel-sand horizons based on the reinterpretation of the geophysical measurements (vertical electrical sounding method – VES) and by the use of all available wells of the study area, which were taken from the archive of the Geofond division in Bratislava. Performed qualitative and quantitative interpretation was completed by the statistical-empirical interpretation. The approximate thickness of the youngest Quaternary coarse-grained fluvial sediments was determined and also possible significant tectonic lines were indicated on the observed profile. Lithofacial changes of the sedimentary fill within the three allocated geoelectrical horizons were analyzed. In the gravel-sand sediments the gradual reduction trend of the grain size towards the SE was confirmed. On the contrary, in the lowest-lying clay-sandy horizon the oppositetrend, gradually more frequent sandy fraction towards the SE, was demonstrated.
Key words: applied geophysics, vertical electrical sounding, qualitative interpretation, quantitative interpretation, Western Carpathians, Danube Basin
Manuscript received: 2013-04-02
Revised version accepted: 2013-05-29
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