Brček M., Vlčko J., Kompaníková Z. & Greif V., 2011: Temperature distribution, its regime and penetration depth in the travertine massif of Spiš Castle subgrade. Acta Geologica Slovaca, 3, 2, 173–191. (in Slovak with English summary)

Distribúcia teploty, jej režim a hĺbkový dosah v travertínovom masíve podložia Spišského hradu

Temperature distribution, its regime and penetration depth in the travertine massif of Spiš Castle subgrade

Martin Brček, Ján Vlčko, Zuzana Kompaníková, Vladimír Greif & Tatiana Durmeková

Katedra inžinierskej geológie, Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Prírodovedecká fakulta, Mlynská dolina G, 842 15 Bratislava; e-mail:


The main goal of this paper is to illustrate some causal phenomena acting in nearby surface of the rock mass from the viewpoint of permanent factor temperature, or more precisely temperature change. Authors submit long-time research information about temperature regime in the travertine rock mass forming the subgrade of the Spiš Castle. The research has shown that diurnal temperature changes influence mainly superficial parts of rock mass (to the depth of 1.5 m), deeper parts of rock mass are influenced by temperature change with longer time period, e.g. annual time period. Simultaneously,relation between moisture or saturation of the rock mass and temperature change with the depth within rock mass was determined. From these relations it was found out, that the precipitation rate higher than 1.5 increased the depth of diurnal temperature changes by 0.3 m as compared to the period without precipitation.

Key words: rock massif, termophysical parameters, temperature monitoring, diurnal and annual temperature change, Spiš Castle subgrade

Manuscript received: 2011-09-22

Revised version accepted: 2011-11-29

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    AGEOS 2024, Vol. 16, Issue 1
