Dugovič R. & Malík P., 2024: Drought hazard assessment using GIS Comparison of groundwater runoff of three different hydrogeological units in the Western Carpathians determined by Kille’s and hydrograph separation methods. Acta Geologica Slovaca, 16, 2, 99–106.
Drought hazard assessment using GIS Comparison of groundwater runoff of three different hydrogeological units in the Western Carpathians determined by Kille’s and hydrograph separation methods
Rudolf Dugovič1,2 & Peter Malík2
1Comenius University Bratislava, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Engineering Geology, Hydrogeology and Applied Geophysics, Ilkovičova 6, 842 15 Bratislava, Slovakia; dugovic8@uniba.sk
2State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr, Department of Hydrogeology and Geothermal energy, Mlynská dolina 1, 817 04 Bratislava, Slovakia; peter.malik@geology.sk
The determination of groundwater runoff in watersheds with different geological structure from the hydrogeological unit division of the territory of Slovak republic point of view is presented in this article. Specifically, the study discusses the influence of geological conditions on the formation of groundwater runoff, as well as compares the results of determining groundwater runoff while using different methods. The study does not involve hydrogeological units built of rocks with high permeability as limestones, dolomites or permeable Quaternary sediments. The results showed that the average annual total runoff determined in the watersheds varied in the range of 6 L.s-1.km2 to 36 L.s-1.km2 , depending on the hydrological unit. While in the Flysch zone hydrogeological unit it was the lowest from 6 L.s-1.km2 to 25 L.s-1.km2, in the Inner Carpathian Paleogene hydrogeological unit the range was wider at 6 L.s-1.km2 to 33 L.s-1.km2. The average annual runoff calculated in the watersheds of the Crystalline rock hydrogeological unit ranged between 6 L.s-1.km2 and 36 L.s-1.km2. The groundwater component of the total water runoff contributes the most in the watersheds of the Crystalline rock hydrogeological unit, as anticipated.
Key words: roundwater runoff, runoff components ratio, rock environment, hydrogeological units of the Slovak Republic
Manuscript received: 2024-09-30
Revised version accepted: 2024-12-02

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