Gregor M., 2011: The usage possibilities of HydroOffice 2010 software for hydrologists and hydrogeologists. Acta Geologica Slovaca, 3, 1, 95–104. (in Slovak with English summary)

Možnosti využitia softvérového balíka HydroOffice 2010 pre hydrológov a hydrogeológov

The usage possibilities of HydroOffice 2010 software for hydrologists and hydrogeologists

Miloš Gregor

Katedra hydrogeológie, Prírodovedecká fakulta, Univerzita Komenského, Bratislava, Mlynská dolina, 842 15 Bratislava
Oddelenie Hydrogeológie a geotermálnej energie, Štátny Geologický Ústav Dionýza Štúra, Bratislava;


The software development is an important part of hydrological and hydrogeological research and development. The software development increases simplification and effectivity, mainly at the frequently repeated tasks. This paper introduces the usage possibilities of the new developed software tool named HydroOffice in version 2010. This tool includes teen modules with a few hundreds of functions. The main functionality is focused on time-series processing and analyzing, hydrological and statistic analysis, drought assessment, runoff components separation and analysis, 3D spatial and temporal water infiltration modeling and one-dimensional river solute transport modeling tool with inflow and storage.

Key words: hydrology, software, HydroOffice, tools, data processing, data analysis

Manuscript received: 2010-09-28

Revised version accepted: 2011-05-04

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AGEOS 2023, Vol. 15, Issue 2
