Hók J., Pelech O. & Slobodová Z., 2013: Kinematic analysis of the Veporicum and Hronicum rock complexes within the Sklené Teplice pre-Neovolcanic horst basement (Central Slovakia Neogene volcanic field). Acta Geologica Slovaca, 5, 2, 129–134. (in Slovak with English summary)
Kinematická analýza horninových komplexov veporika a hronika v oblasti sklenoteplického ostrova (Stredoslovenské novulkanity)
Kinematic analysis of the Veporicum and Hronicum rock complexes within the Sklené Teplice pre-Neovolcanic horst basement (Central Slovakia Neogene volcanic field)
Jozef Hók, Ondrej Pelech & Zuzana Slobodová
Katedra geológie a paleontológie, Prírodovedecká fakulta, Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Mlynská dolina G, 842 15 Bratislava; hok@fns.uniba.sk
The Sklené Teplice pre-neovolcanic horst basement is cropping out in the central part of the Neogene volcanic complexes of the Štiavnica stratovolcano. Two tectonic units participate on the geological structure of the Sklené Teplice horst. The Veporicum tectonic unit is composed of the pre-Mesozoic crystalline basement and the Mesozoic cover sediments with stratigraphic range from the Early Triassic to Early Cretaceous. The Hronicum tectonic unit contains the Upper Palaeozoic volcanosedimentary complex and Triassic predominanly carbonate sediments. Both tectonic units were affected by the palaeo-Alpine deformation with different kinematics. The Veporicum crystalline complexes and cover sediments were displaced generally westwards, while the Hronicum sediments northeastwards. Atypical sense of the tectonic displacement of the Veporicum tectonic unit is interpreted as the counter-clockwise rotation of structures due to sinistral transpression along the Pohorelá tectonic zone.
Key words: Central Slovakia volcanic field, pre-neovolcanic basement, Veporicum, Hronicum, sense of displacement
Manuscript received: 2013-04-03
Revised version accepted: 2013-08-31

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