Hók J., Šujan M. & Šipka F., 2014: Tectonic division of the Western Carpathians: an overview and a new approach. Acta Geologica Slovaca, 6, 2, 135–143. (in Slovak with English summary)
Tektonické členenie Západných Karpát - prehľad názorov a nový prístup
Tectonic division of the Western Carpathians: an overview and a new approach
Jozef Hók1, Martin Šujan2 & František Šipka2
1Department of Geology and Paleontology, Faculty of Natural Sciences Comenius University in Bratislava, Mlynská dolina 842 15 Bratislava; hok@fns.uniba.sk
2EQUIS Ltd., Račianska 57 831 02 Bratislava; equis@equis.sk
A new tectonic division of the Western Carpathians territory is proposed. The Western Carpathians are divided into two main zones according to structural individualization of tectonic units. The External Western Carpathians zone comprises the Outer group of nappes tectonically individualized during the Neogene. The Internal Western Carpathians including three groups of nappes, the Upper, Middle and the Lower group, tectonically separated during the Cretaceous.
Key words: tectonic division, Western Carpathians
Manuscript received: 2014-01-23
Revised version accepted: 2014-09-04

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