Ivan P. & Šimurková M., 2016: Geochemistry of metamorphosed basaltic and sedimentary rocks from the Smolník Cu-pyrite deposit (Gemeric Superunit, Western Carpathians): a reappraisal of older geochemical data. Acta Geologica Slovaca, 8, 2, 229–242.
Geochemistry of metamorphosed basaltic and sedimentary rocks from the Smolník Cu-pyrite deposit (Gemeric Superunit, Western Carpathians): a reappraisal of older geochemical data
Peter Ivan & Mária Šimurková
Department of Geochemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava, Mlynská dolina G, Ilkovičova 6, 842 15 Bratislava, Slovak Republic; ivan@fns.uniba.sk
Stratiform chalcopyrite-pyrite deposit of Smolník is located in the low-grade metamorphosed Early Palaeozoic volcano-sedimentary Gelnica Group. Various types of phyllites, mostly sericite and graphite-sericite phyllites with metadolerite bodies build up proximate vicinity of the deposit. The imminent host rocks of sulphide pods are chlorite phyllites with subordinate chlorite-sericite phyllites intercallations. Metadolerites previously interpreted as effusive rocks are probably subvolcanic in origin. Original igneous mineral association of clinopyroxene, plagioclase, ilmenite and probably also olivine were transformed to association of amphiboles, albite, clinozoisite/epidote, titanite ± calcite by metamorphic alteration. Composition of metadolerites is close to basaltic liquids although indices of some fractionation of plagioclase, olivine/chromspinelide or clinopyroxene exist. Trace element distribution points to their similarity to within-plate continental tholeiites (CT) and probable relation to the beginning of rifting in the Lower Devonian time. Three possible sources of sedimentary material have been identified in the sedimentary host rocks of the Smolník deposit: (i) basalts generated from enriched mantle reservoir; (ii) less fractionated calc-alkaline volcanic rocks and (iii) fractionated calc-alkaline rhyolites. An additional hydrothermal source for silica and iron is supposed for chlorite phyllites and allows classified them as metaexhalites. The sulphide ores were directly precipitated in the exhalite environment due to reaction hydrothermal solution with hydrogen sulphide produced by thermochemical reduction of the marine sulphate. Geochemical data on metamorphosed dolerites and sediments in combination to other geological characteristics of the Smolník deposit support its classification as the Besshi-type deposit.
Key words: metadolerites, phyllites, geochemistry, pyrite deposit, Besshi-type
Manuscript received: 2016-06-14
Revised version accepted: 2016-11-08

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