Michalíková S. & Vojtko R., 2019: Geological structure in the area of the upper reach of Hnilec Valley (Western Carpathians). Acta Geologica Slovaca, 11, 1, 31–42.
Geological structure in the area of the upper reach of Hnilec Valley (Western Carpathians)
Silvia Michalíková & Rastislav Vojtko
Department of Geology and Palaeontology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava, Mlynská dolina, Ilkovičova 6, 842 15 Bratislava, Slovakia; michalikov53@uniba.sk, rastislav.vojtko@uniba.sk
This paper investigates and refines the complicated Alpine geological structure and the division of lithostratigraphic sequences in the Vernár village locality. Herein we used field geological methods including geological mapping, structural observation and sample analysis. The study area is located in the Pusté Pole area (Vernár village) and at the upper reach of the Hnilecká dolina, and it contains several tectonic units formed during Alpine orogeny. These palaeo-Alpine tectonic units of the nappe stack differ by degree of metamorphism, deformation, age, and lithological composition. The lowermost structure is composed of the Veporic Unit consisting of metamorphosed Variscan crystalline basement and the Carboniferous to Triassic cover sequence. The Veporic Unit is overthrust by the newly separated Furmanec Sub-unit, which most likely has Gemeric affinity and these rocks were formerly considered a lower part of the Ipoltica Group (Hronic Unit). The Veporic Unit and Furmanec Sub-units underwent ductile deformation and metamorphosed under greenschist facies conditions. Finally, the uppermost nappe structure is formed by the un-metamorphosed Silicic Unit comprising the Vernár and Stratená nappes.
Key words: Western Carpathians, Vernár Nappe, Furmanec Subunit, Veporic Unit, nappe structure, lithostratigraphy
Manuscript received: 2018-02-23
Revised version accepted: 2019-06-24

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