Tóth Cs. & Hyžný M., 2013: Prodeinotherium bavaricum (Proboscidea, Mammalia) from the Middle Miocene tuffaceous sediments near Svinná (Danube Basin, Slovakia). Acta Geologica Slovaca, 5, 2, 135–140.

Prodeinotherium bavaricum (Proboscidea, Mammalia) from the Middle Miocene tuffaceous sediments near Svinná (Danube Basin, Slovakia)

Prodeinotherium bavaricum (Proboscidea, Mammalia) zo strednomiocénnych tufových sedimentov pri obci Svinná (Dunajská panva, Slovensko)

Csaba Tóth1 & Matúš Hyžný2

1Central Slovakia Museum Banská Bystrica, Department of Natural History, Radvanská 27, Banská Bystrica 974 05, Slovakia; csabamamut@yahoo.com
2Department of Geology and Paleontology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava, Mlynská dolina G, Bratislava 842 15, Slovakia


An isolated p4 of Prodeinotherium bavaricum (von Meyer, 1831) from the Middle Miocene (Sarmatian) sediments of Svinná (the Danube Basin, Slovakia) is morphometrically described and compared with similarly preserved coeval material from the neighbouring countries. The material points to the taxonomic identification of isolated deinothere p4 teeth based on the combination of size, WI index and the paracristid morphology. The material presented herein is the only occurrence of the Middle Miocene deinothere from the Slovakian part of the Danube Basin.

Key words: Prodeinotherium bavaricum, morphometry, taxonomy, Sarmatian, the Danube Basin, Slovakia

Manuscript received: 2013-04-08

Revised version accepted: 2013-08-21

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    AGEOS 2024, Vol. 16, Issue 2
