Acta Geologica Slovaca, 2010, Volume 2, Issue 2:

Cover and imprint

Cover and imprint

Adamcová R., Miškolczi J., Durmeková T., Bednárik M., Wimmer-Frey I. & Valter M., 2010: Usability analysis of bottom sediments from the Slnečné jazerá Lakes in Senec. Acta Geologica Slovaca, 2, 2, 85-94. (in Slovak with English summary)

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Marschalko M. & Pěňáz T., 2010: Geotechnical study of the requisite information on the workability of rocks and the pre-Quaternary bedrock. Acta Geologica Slovaca, 2, 2, 95-102.

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Machlica A., Fendeková M. & Fendek M., 2010: Modelling of groundwater runoff parameters development in different geological conditions. Acta Geologica Slovaca, 2, 2, 103-112.

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Čerňanský A., 2010: Albanerpetontid amphibian (Lissamphibia: Albanerpetontidae) from the Early Miocene of the locality Merkur-North (north-west of the Czech Republic): data and a description of a new material. Acta Geologica Slovaca, 2, 2, 113-116.

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Hyžný M., 2010: Revision of the Eocene decapod crustaceans deposited in the Liptov Museum Čierny Orol (Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovakia). Acta Geologica Slovaca, 2, 2, 117-122.

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Jamrich M. & Halásová E., 2010: The evolution of the Late Badenian calcareous nannofossil assemblages as a reflexion of the palaeoenvironmental changes of the Vienna Basin (Devínska Nová Ves – clay pit). Acta Geologica Slovaca, 2, 2, 123-140. (in Slovak with English summary)

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Lénárt R. & Hók J., 2010: Shear deformation analysis in granite of the Tribeč Mts. (Western Carpathians). Acta Geologica Slovaca, 2, 2, 141-147. (in Slovak with English summary)

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Černák V. & Vďačný M., 2010: Very low grade metamorphism of basic rocks: definition, mineral assemblages, and p-T conditions. Acta Geologica Slovaca, 2, 2, 149-161. (in Slovak with English summary)

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Synak R., 2010: Sequence stratigraphic dictionary. Acta Geologica Slovaca, 2, 2, 163-171. (in Slovak with English summary)

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Zoznam diplomových prác obhájených v študijnom odbore Geológia na PriF UK v Bratislave v školskom roku 2009/2010.

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