Acta Geologica Slovaca, 2012, Volume 4, Issue 1:
Cover and imprint
Mojzeš A. & Putiška R., 2012: Contribution to analysis of time courses of radon volume activity in soil air. Acta Geologica Slovaca, 4, 1, 1-5. (in Slovak with English summary)
Milička J. & Macek J., 2012: Historical and geochemical outlines of the oil-gas seepage near Turzovka town; Flysch belt, NW Slovakia. Acta Geologica Slovaca, 4, 1, 7-13.
Kompaníková Z., Vlčko J., Brček M. & Michňová J., 2012: Laboratory simulation of temperature changes by insolation and fire and their influence on physical properties of travertines . Acta Geologica Slovaca, 4, 1, 15-22. (in Slovak with English summary)
Šimková I., Greif V., Kompaníková Z. & Brček M., 2012: Study the change of thermophysical properties of natural stone in the conditions of cyclic freezing. Acta Geologica Slovaca, 4, 1, 23-30. (in Slovak with English summary)
Haviarová D., Seman M., Stankovič J., Fľaková R. & Ženišová Z., 2012: Chemical composition and microbiological profile of karst water in the Krásnohorská Cave (Silická plateau, Slovak Karst). Acta Geologica Slovaca, 4, 1, 31-52. (in Slovak with English summary)
Sůkalová Ľ., Vojtko R. & Pešková I., 2012: Cenozoic deformation and stress field evolution of the Kozie chrbty Mountains and the western part of Hornád Depression (Central Western Carpathians). Acta Geologica Slovaca, 4, 1, 53-64.
Sentpetery M. & Hók J., 2012: Geological structure of the Tatric and Fatric units among the Belianska and Vrátna dolina valleys (the Krivánska Fatra Mts.). Acta Geologica Slovaca, 4, 1, 65-74. (in Slovak with English summary)
Jamrichová M., Józsa Š., Aubrecht R. & Schlögl J., 2012: Lower Cretaceous paleokarst in a klippe of the Czorsztyn Succession north of Zázrivá (Pieniny Klippen Belt, Orava Sector, northern Slovakia). Acta Geologica Slovaca, 4, 1, 75-90.
Forthcoming articles
AGEOS 2024, Vol. 16, Issue 2
- Hyžný M. & Mihálik D.: Decapod crustacean assemblage from the middle Miocene (Badenian) of the Oslip sand pit, Austria (Eisenstadt-Sopron Basin)
- Lačný A., Vojtko R., Dušeková L. & Čahojová L.: Dolines as important indicators of lithology and tectonics: A case study of the Malé Karpaty Mts. (Western Carpathians)
- Dugovič R. & Malík P.: Drought hazard assessment using GIS Comparison of groundwater runoff of three different hydrogeological units in the Western Carpathians determined by Kille’s and hydrograph separation methods
- Tornyai R. & Koudelka D.: Utilisation of airborne laser scanning data in landslide hazard assessment – case study Čadca district, Slovakia
- Bláha P., Niyazov R., Abdullaev S., Motorniy I. & Lazecký M.: Human-induced landslides in the Angren coal district, Uzbekistan
- AGEOS 2024, Vol. 16, Issue 2
- AGEOS 2024, Vol. 16, Issue 1
- AGEOS 2023, Vol. 15, Issue 2
- AGEOS 2023, Vol. 15, Issue 1
- AGEOS 2022, Vol. 14, Issue 2
- AGEOS 2022, Vol. 14, Issue 1
- AGEOS 2021, Vol. 13, Issue 2
- AGEOS 2021, Vol. 13, Issue 1
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- AGEOS 2020, Vol. 12, Issue 1
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- AGEOS 2014, Vol. 6, Issue 1
- AGEOS 2013, Vol. 5, Issue 2
- AGEOS 2013, Vol. 5, Issue 1
- AGEOS 2012, monograph
- AGEOS 2012, Vol. 4, Issue 2
- AGEOS 2012, Vol. 4, Issue 1
- AGEOS 2011, Vol. 3, Issue 2
- AGEOS 2011, Vol. 3, Issue 1
- AGEOS 2010, Vol. 2, Issue 2
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