Hrvanović S., Putiš M., & Bačík P., 2015: Metaharzburgity a metapyroxenity sieggrabenského štruktúrneho komplexu austroalpinika medzi Steinbachom a Gschorrholzom, Rakúsko: príklad subdukovaného plášťa. Acta Geologica Slovaca, 7, 1, 73–84. (in English)

Meta-harzburgites and meta-pyroxenites of the Austroalpine Sieggraben structural complex between Steinbach and Gschorrholz, Austria: An example of subducted mantle

Metaharzburgity a metapyroxenity sieggrabenského štruktúrneho komplexu austroalpinika medzi Steinbachom a Gschorrholzom, Rakúsko: príklad subdukovaného plášťa

Samila Hrvanović, Marián Putiš & Peter Bačík

Department of Mineralogy and Petrology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava, Mlynská dolina, Ilkovičova 6, 842 15 Bratislava, Slovak Republic;,,


The Sieggraben structural complex occupies a middle position in the Austroalpine basement nappe system in the Eastern Alps. Investigated area is located at the southeastern part of Austria between the Steinbach and Gschorrholz villages (approximately 150 km south of Vienna). The aim of this paper is to characterize petrographic and mineral chemical composition of meta-harzburgites and meta-pyroxenites. Identified mineral assemblage from selected microstructures of massive to sheared meta-pyroxenite and meta-harzburgite is composed of Ol, Opx, Cpx, zoned Amp, Chl, serpentine group minerals Atg/Ctl, spinel group minerals Spl, Hc and rare Tlc. Meta-harzburgites and meta-pyroxenites are members of a subduction complex.

Key words: Eastern Alps, Sieggraben structural complex, meta-harzburgite, meta-pyroxenite, petrography, mineral chemistry

Manuskript doručený: 2015-03-03

Manuskript revidovaný: 2015-05-28

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    AGEOS 2023, roč. 16, č. 1
