Aubrecht R., Barrio-Amorós C.L., Breure A.S.H., Brewer-Carías C., Derka T., Fuentes-Ramos O.A., Gregor M., Kodada J., Kováčik Ľ., Lánczos T., Lee N.M., Liščák P., Schlögl J., Šmída B. & Vlček L., 2012: Venezuelan tepuis: their caves and biota. Acta Geologica Slovaca – Monografia, Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Bratislava, 168 s.

Venezuelan tepui – their caves and biota

Aubrecht Roman, Cesar Barrio-Amorós, Abraham Breure, Charles Brewer-Carías, Tomáš Derka, Oswaldo A. Fuentes-Ramos, Miloš Gregor, Ján Kodada, Ľubomír Kováčik, Tomáš Lánczos, Natuschka M. Lee, Pavel Liščák, Ján Schlögl, Branislav Šmída & Lukáš Vlček


The world on top of the tepuis of Venezuela is amazing. Since Arthur Conan Doyle wrote his “The lost world”, the enigma of the South American steep and isolated table mountains have attracted many people. Everyone in our research team dreamt about exploring these “blank places on the map”. However, despite the attractivity of these places, the scientific literature about tepuis has remained rather scarce. We are therefore proud to present you this scientific monograph about tepuis which is practically only the second issue of this kind (after Huber – ed., 1992). In this volume we intend to summarize the main scientific results of expeditions to these tepuis since year 2002 to 2011. The main research described in this monograph was dedicated to the great caves discovered in Roraima and Chiamtá tepuis. The geological research was accompanied with biological research on cave and surface fauna, with a special focus on malacofauna, herpetofauna and insects. Although some of the data from this research were published previously in scientific articles, these did not always obtain the justifiable space to present all gathered documentation as well as to elucidate all relevant scientific problems from a greater perspective. It is therefore our great pleasure to present you this monograph with detailed information about all so far performed research in our interdisciplinary research team, accompanied by a large amount of fascinating photographs and several informative maps and diagrams. The great benefit with this monograph compared to short scientific publications is that more space can be given to discuss around so far unresolved problems and to raise new intriguing questions and visions for future research. It is our sincere hope that the readers will in this way gain access to unique information. We hope you will enjoy reading this monograph and find some topics that are interesting for your research.

PDF verzia Vysoká kvalita, 159 MB

PDF verzia Stredná kvalita, 30 MB

PDF verzia Nízka kvalita, 10 MB


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