Hyžný M., Hudáčková N., Biskupič R., Rybár S., Fuksi T., Halásová E., Zágoršek K., Jamrich M. & Ledvák P., 2012: Devínska Kobyla – okno do plytkomorských prostredí stredného miocénu Centrálnej Paratetýdy (Viedenská panva, Slovensko). Acta Geologica Slovaca, 4, 2, 95–111. (in English)

Devínska Kobyla - a window into the Middle Miocene shallow-water marine environments of the Central Paratethys (Vienna Basin, Slovakia)

Devínska Kobyla – okno do plytkomorských prostredí stredného miocénu Centrálnej Paratetýdy (Viedenská panva, Slovensko)

Matúš Hyžný1, Natália Hudáčková1, Radoslav Biskupič2, Samuel Rybár1, Tomáš Fuksi1, Eva Halásová1, Kamil Zágoršek3, Michal Jamrich1 & Peter Ledvák4

1Department of Geology and Paleontology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava, Mlynská dolina G, Bratislava 842 15, Slovakia;e-mail: hyzny.matus@gmail.com; hudackova@fns.uniba.sk
2Budatínska 31, Bratislava 851 05, Slovakia
3Department of Paleontology, National Museum, Václavské náměstí 68, 115 79 Praha 1, Czech Republic
4Geological Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Banská Bystrica 974 01, Slovakia


Middle Miocene strata exposed at Devínska Kobyla Hill (Malé Karpaty Mts.) document the temporal and spatial changes in shallow-water environments of the Northern Vienna Basin during the Late Badenian and Early Sarmatian. Middle Miocene deposits border this hill essentially along its full perimeter. The present overview of 16 localities based on published observations and new sampling shows that the Middle Miocene deposits contain species-rich micro- and macrofaunal assemblages as well as nannoflora. This contribution includes lists of all faunal (except tetrapods) and microfloral taxa known to date. The localities can be divided into three groups on the basis of the lithology and the abundance of molluscs and foraminifers in fossil assemblages: Devín area, Dúbravka area, and Devínska Nová Ves area. On the basis of foraminifers the localities in the Dúbravka area (Dúbravská hlavica, Pektenová lavica, Starý lom, partly Fuchsov lom) can be assigned to the Early Sarmatian (based on benthic taxa), whereas the localities in the Devín (Šibeničný vrch, Štítová, Terasy, Lomnická, Lingulová lavica, Glosusová lavica) and Devínska Nová Ves (Sandberg 1–3, Waitov lom, Glavica, Štokeravská vápenka-Bonanza) areas are predominantly of the Late Badenian age (based on benthic and planktonic taxa). However, molluscs imply that the deposits from the Dúbravka area are of Late Badenian age. The differences in the estimates of stratigraphic age between on molluscs and foraminifers can be explained with the persistence of typically Badenian mollusc taxa in the marginal parts of the Central Paratethys Sea during the Middle Miocene.

Key words: Vienna Basin, Central Paratethys, Badenian, Sarmatian, Studienka Formation, Holíč Formation, palaeoenvironmental reconstruction

Manuskript doručený: 2012-04-25

Manuskript revidovaný: 2012-10-19

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Apendix č. 1: List of marine macrofauna (except tetrapods) at studied localities of Devínska Kobyla.

Apendix č. 2: List of foraminifers at studied localities of Devínska Kobyla.

Apendix č. 3: List of calcareous nannofossils at studied localities of Devínska Kobyla.


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    AGEOS 2023, roč. 16, č. 1
