Kováč M., Hudáčková N., Halásová E., Kováčová M., Holcová K., Oszczypko-Clowes M., Báldi K., Less G., Nagymarosy A., Ruman A., Klučiar T. & Jamrich M., 2017: The Central Paratethys palaeoceanography: a water circulation model based on microfossil proxies, climate, and changes of depositional environment. Acta Geologica Slovaca, 9, 2, 75–114.

The Central Paratethys palaeoceanography: a water circulation model based on microfossil proxies, climate, and changes of depositional environment

Michal Kováč1, Natália Hudáčková1, Eva Halásová1, Marianna Kováčová1, Katarína Holcová2, Marta Oszczypko-Clowes3, Katalin Báldi4, György Less5, András Nagymarosy4†, Andrej Ruman1, Tomáš Klučiar1 & Michal Jamrich1

1Department of Geology and Palaeontology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava, Mlynská dolina, Ilkovičova 6, 842 15 Bratislava, Slovakia; kovacm@fns.uniba.sk, hudackova@fns.uniba.sk, halasova@fns.uniba.sk, kovacova@fns.uniba.sk, winchestersk@yahoo.com, kluciar@fns.uniba.sk, mjamrich@gmail.com
2Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Faculty of Sciences, Charles University in Prague, Albertov 6, 128 43 Praha 2, Czech Republic; katarina.holcova@natur.cuni.cz
3Institute of Geological Sciences, Faculty of Biology and Earth Sciences, Jagiellonian University, Oleandry 2a, 30-063 Kraków, Poland; m.oszczypko-clowes@uj.edu.pl
4Department of Physical and Historical Geology, Faculty of Science, Eötvös Loránd University, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/c, 1117 Budapest, Hungary; katalinbaldi@caesar.elte.hu
5Institute of Mineralogy and Geology, Faculty of Earth Science and Engineering, University of Miskolc, H-3515 Miskolc - Egyetemváros, Hungary; foldlgy@uni-miskolc.hu


A comprehensive “model” of the semi-closed Central Paratethys Sea history was proposed for the entire time span of 25 Ma. Publications and datasets of the last decades were compiled and reviewed in the light of the Western Carpathian basins record, reflecting its changing palaeogeography, palaeoenvironment, and water circulation regimes. Moreover, a set of modified palinspastic palaeogeographic maps were reconstructed taking into account the enormous changes in depositional systems and sedimentary facies, reflecting the tectonic events from the Oligocene to Miocene. The study discusses possible gateways/straits assuming two way circulations, where the surface and deep water can be exchanged between the Mediterranean, Central Paratethys, and the Eastern Paratethys. It is suggested, that a good correlation between the regional Central Paratethys and the standard Mediterranean zonations based on planktic organisms can be achieved only in sequences deposited during anti-estuarine circulation regimes. Correlation of sequences deposited during the estuarine circulation of water masses becomes problematic, making hard to define above all the Early/Middle Miocene boundary. To solve problems of the regional biostratigraphy, and the definition of correlation levels between the Mediterranean, Central Paratethys, and Eastern Paratethys, the existing and new Sr-isotope dating was used as well. Dating of specific sediments of low oxic conditions or evaporitic events was also used as time horizons for the Central Paratethys.

Key words: Cenozoic, Central Paratethys, Western Carpathians, palaeogeography, palaeoclimate, regional biostratigraphy, Sr-isotope dating

Manuskript doručený: 2017-05-15

Manuskript revidovaný: 2017-07-27

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    AGEOS 2023, roč. 16, č. 1
