Pukančík L. & Ružička P., 2012: Softvérové aplikácie na kvalitatívnu kategorizáciu chemického zloženia hornín v prieskumných vrtoch z dolomitového ložiska Rajec–Šuja. Acta Geologica Slovaca, 4, 2, 139–154.

Softvérové aplikácie na kvalitatívnu kategorizáciu chemického zloženia hornín v prieskumných vrtoch z dolomitového ložiska Rajec–Šuja

Software applications of the qualitative classification of the chemical composition of rocks in exploratory boreholes on the Rajec–Šuja dolomite deposit

Libor Pukančík & Peter Ružička

Katedra mineralógie a petrológie, Prírodovedecká fakulta, Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Mlynská dolina G, 842 15 Bratislava; dtlibor@gmail.com, ruzicka@fns.uniba.sk


In Rajec-Šuja dolostone deposit there have been made exploratory boreholes for purpose of establishing the quality parameters to interpret suitability of dolomite raw in glass industry. Dolomites from boreholes were petrographically described using analytical methods such as polarized microscopy, cathodoluminiscence microprobe analysis, X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis. From results of these analytical methods, there have been made a quality categorization according to Fe2O3, Fe2O3+Al2O3 and SiO2 contents. Quality categories were create according to standard STN 72 1217. The same quality parameters were used to create simplified 2D and 3D models of distribution quality categories of dolomite raw. These models were created by using software LogPlot ver.7, Surfer ver.8 and Voxler ver.2. From results of analytical methods there was determined contaminants, which negatively affects quality of dolostones. Software processing was helpful to better understanding of space distribution of dolomite quality categories.

Key words: Western Carpathians, Hronic Unit, Rajec–Šuja, dolomite deposit, visualization, chemical composition

Manuskript doručený: 2012-08-10

Manuskript revidovaný: 2012-10-23

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    AGEOS 2023, roč. 16, č. 1
