Zlinská A. & Gross P., 2013: Vek a litologická charakteristika paleogénnych usadenín Handlovskej kotliny na základe reinterpretácie vrtu FGHn-1 Handlová. Acta Geologica Slovaca, 5, 2, 141–153.
Vek a litologická charakteristika paleogénnych usadenín Handlovskej kotliny na základe reinterpretácie vrtu FGHn-1 Handlová
Age and lithology determination in the Handlovská kotlina Basin Paleogene deposits, based on the FGHn-1 (Handlová) well reinterpretation
Adriena Zlinská & Pavel Gross
Štátny geologický ústav Dionýza Štúra, Mlynská dolina 1, 817 04 Bratislava; adriena.zlinska@geology.sk
Handlovská kotlina Basin is filled by Paleogene deposits of the Podtatranská Group. These deposits were previously described as Central Carpathian, Inner Carpathian Paleogene, respectively. The time span of the Paleogene marine sediments was dated from the Middle Eocene (Bartonian) to the Kiscelian. The age of the Huty and Zuberec formations, similarly like in the case of the underlying Terchová Member, was based on the study of microfauna, nannoplankton and large foraminifers. However, recently provided studies on microfauna document, that the upper part of the formation lasts up to the Egerian time. By the revision of microfauna from outcrops in the Huty and Zuberec formations in the Handlovská kotlina Basin we documented a presence of the Tenuitellinata pseudoedita (Subb.) – a planctonic species, that's boundary first appearance is from the Egerian time. However, microfaunistic and nannoplancton study (P21–M1 Zones) from FGHn-1 well (10–130 m) can confirms only Paleogene psamites of the Oligocene age.
Key words: Handlovská kotlina Basin, Huty and Zuberec formations, Oligocene–Egerian, Foraminifera, FGHn-1 well
Manuskript doručený: 2012-05-09
Manuskript revidovaný: 2013-02-11
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