Bohyník J., Kuvik M. & Sinak M., 2014: Prvé použitie horninového dilatometra na Slovensku – nové možnosti testovania deformačných vlastností skalných hornín in-situ. Acta Geologica Slovaca, 6, 1, 97–105.

Prvé použitie horninového dilatometra na Slovensku – nové možnosti testovania deformačných vlastností skalných hornín in-situ

First using of rock dilatometer in Slovakia – a new possibilities of in-situ testing of rocks' deformation properties

Július Bohyník, Marian Kuvik & Martin Sinak

CAD-ECO a.s., Svätoplukova 28, 821 08 Bratislava;;


The basic problem of engineering geotechnical investigation is – with the exception of geological condition´s description – determination of specific geotechnical parameters of rock and soil on the site of future structure. In the case when detection of the rock massif`s parameters is desirable in the underground structure route, the deformation parameters of rock massif may be obtained by providing of in-situ tests in exploration gallery, e.g. plate static load tests. Driving of exploration galleries is usually thrown-over in Slovakia, in behalf of overwhelming cost-cutting worship. The results of geological investigation are then based only on laboratory tests, which consequently lead to inadequate characteristics of geotechnical parameters of rock massif. Thanks to advance in technical development of field-test apparatus there is a possibility to use pressuremeter and dilatometer tests as a relevant solution. The contribution brings an acquaintance with the new opportunities to detect deformation parameters on an example of dilatometer tests, provided for designed railway tunnel Kýčera.

Key words: rock massif, deformation parameters, dilatometer, tunnel

Manuskript doručený: 2014-01-23

Manuskript revidovaný: 2014-04-04

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    AGEOS 2024, roč. 16, č. 2
