Kralovičová L., Šimková I., Vlčko J., Durmeková T., Brček M. & Boháč V., 2014: Monitoring obsahu vody v masíve skalných obydlí v Brhlovciach na základe merania termofyzikálnych parametrov. Acta Geologica Slovaca, 6, 1, 41–50.
Monitoring obsahu vody v masíve skalných obydlí v Brhlovciach na základe merania termofyzikálnych parametrov
The water content monitoring of rock mass’ dwellings in Brhlovce village based on thermophysical parameters measuring
Lenka Kralovičová1, Ivana Šimková1, Ján Vlčko1, Tatiana Durmeková1, Martin Brček2 & Vlastimil Boháč3
1Katedra inžinierskej geológie, Prírodovedecká fakulta, Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Mlynská dolina G, 842 15 Bratislava;,,,
2Katedra geotechniky, Stavebná fakulta STU v Bratislave, Radlinského 11, 813 68 Bratislava; e-mail:
3Fyzikálny ústav, Slovenská akadémia vied, Dúbravská cesta 9, 845 11 Bratislava;
In general, among the most significant exogenous factors causing the rock mass deterioration the temperature oscillations and water content have been considered. Monitoring and the interpretation of the water content inside the rock mass especially using non-destructive methods is relatively difficult. The aim of the paper is to evaluate the partial monitoring results of temperature and water content in the different depths of the tuff rock mass based on transient hot-ball method. In the rock mass three hot-ball sensors were inserted in different depths (10 cm, 37 cm and 53.5 cm). The hot-ball sensors were laboratory calibrated before final embedding into rock mass. The results obtained from the real in situ monitoring were compared with the laboratory obtained data and the correlation was set up. For the data presentation 8 month period of in situ monitoring was used (from April to December 2013). In the processing of real in situ data integrated precipitation data records from the weather station were implemented at the site under study. Partial results of in situ monitoring indicate the difference in water content and the temperature with the depth. The gradual decrease of water content with depth inside the rock mass has been recorded. Along with the temperature and coefficient of thermal conductivity measuring, the surface temperature and moisture at the rock face have been measured and the correlation was confirmed.
Key words: temperature and water content monitoring, hot-ball method, q/Tm parameter, tuffs, Brhlovce rock
Manuskript doručený: 2014-02-14
Manuskript revidovaný: 2014-04-04
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