Šutarová B., Fľaková R., Ženišová Z., Patschová A., Bodacz B. & Gavuliak R., 2013: Vývoj chemického zloženia a kvality podzemných vôd v kvartérnom útvare SK1000600P v povodí Dunaja. Acta Geologica Slovaca, 5, 1, 1–16.

Vývoj chemického zloženia a kvality podzemných vôd v kvartérnom útvare SK1000600P v povodí Dunaja

Evolution of chemical composition and quality of groundwater in the Quaternary body SK1000600P in the Danube Basin

Barbora Šutarová1, Renáta Fľaková1, Zlatica Ženišová1, Anna Patschová2, Boris Bodacz3 & Roman Gavuliak4

1Katedra hydrogeológie, Prírodovedecká fakulta, Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Mlynská dolina G, 842 15 Bratislava; e-mail: sutarova@fns.uniba.sk
2Výskumný ústav vodného hospodárstva, Nábr. arm. gen. L. Svobodu 5, 812 49 Bratislava
3Slovenský hydrometeorologický ústav, Jeséniova 17, 833 15 Bratislava
4Prognostický ústav Slovenskej akadémie vied, Šancová 56, 811 05 Bratislava


The chemical composition of groundwater in the Quaternary body SK1000600P in the Danube Basin was analysed based on chemical analyses from 7 monitoring sites of the SHMI network during the 2002–2010 time period. The current state was also evaluated based on the Regulations of the Government of the Slovak Republic no. 496/2010, no. 282/2010 and no. 496/2010 issued by the Government of the Slovak Republic. Its future development was extrapolated using methods of derived measures of development variability. The point sources of pollution influence on the groundwater quality was analysed based on selected indicators and their threshold values. The most noticeable difference was observed in water samples from the Iža-Bokroš and Iža boreholes, which featured an increase over both the threshold and limit values for sodium, NH4+, iron, manganese, chlorides, and sulphates. The development forecast for most ions indicates increase or stagnation of their concentrations. Therefore it cannot be expected that groundwater body SK1000600P will be included into the „Good groundwater status“ in 2015.

Key words: Quaternary body SK1000600P, groundwater body, point source, pollution, chemical status, quality

Manuskript doručený: 2013-03-25

Manuskript revidovaný: 2013-05-21

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    AGEOS 2024, roč. 16, č. 2
